Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Tale of Malifaux Bloggers - Pt 1

Hey all!

This is the start of my Tale of Malifaux Bloggers series in which I'll be assembling, painting, and learning how to play...


For those of you not familiar with this format, it is detailed here:

Thanks to Ben for running this!

I own the vast majority of the Guild faction and have been wanting a change of pace.  I'm getting the hang of how to play Malifaux now.  Model interaction in your crew is KEY and I'd like to take crews that let me exploit this to the max.  The Guild has some good combos, but nothing like some other factions.  I also have never played a true summoning master (Sonnia doesn't count!)

I'd like something sneakier, more combo based.  Something with summoning and big, swingy damage.

Something small, green, and drunk.

Given the groan I have every time my opponent declares Gremlins, I decided that if I can't beat 'em, I'll join 'em.

Initially, the first tactic I see is to use Lenny to give all nearby models Rams  This allows any Bayou Gremlin nearby to trigger Dumb Luck when they shoot.  Although this damages them, with So'mer pumping out new bros as often as possible it should be effective.

I also LOVE having cheap and useful 3 stone minions who can be useful by themselves.  It isn't something the Guild really has.  I'm also looking forward to competing in the activation game (read: I might be out-activating my opponents!)

The Bayou Boss box from an Ebay seller was $36 with free shipping.   Here is my initial list.

Somer Teeth Jones -- 7 Pool
 +Encouragement [2]
 +Family Tree [2]
 +Quality Mash Liquor [2]

Skeeter X 2 [4]
Bayou Gremlin [3]
Bayou Gremlin [3]
Bayou Gremlin [3]
Bayou Gremlin [3]
Lenny [9]
 +I'll Love it and Pet it... [1]

35 stones total.

This leaves me $24 for the month.  Another box of Bayou Gremlins is $15.75 from Miniature Market which should allow So'mer to summon with wild abandon.  With some Slop Haulers ($12) to heal, this should be pretty effective.

I can also head down the Piglet route and grab a box of Piglets ($13.50) and a Hog Whisperer ($12).

Either way I'll be over my budget, so I may settle for the Gremlin wave 1 deck ($6) and the Slop Haulers and not bite off too much.  I still have Guild to paint for Templecon!

This leaves me with $6 to carry over to next month.

In the next #ToMB2 post, I'll be assembling and basing up my crew.  I'm going to head down the now standard "cork bases" route, with some water effects around the cork rocks.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Crackin' on with the Painting... Pt2

Painted up Sidir tonight! 

Along with pictures of the Executioners and the Brutal Effigy.

Painting Tracker:

Brutal Effigy - Done!
2 Guild Hounds - Done!
2x Hunter - Done!
2x Watchers - Done!
Scales of Justice - Done!
Latigo Pistolero - Done!
Sidir - Done!

Lawyer - No progress

Abuela - No progress
Enslaved Nephelim - No progress

"Proxy" Witchling Handler - No progress
Exorcist - No progress

Performer - Assembled and based
Zombie Chihuahua - Assembled and based

Peacekeeper - Still not gonna happen.

Also managed to get a "few" more models basecoated.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Crackin' on with the Painting... Pt1

Was a productive weekend painting.  Got a solid 5-6 hours in.

I finished, pictured:
2 Watchers
2 Hunters
2 Guild Hounds
Scales of Justice
Latigo Pistolero

Also finished but not pictured:
2 Executioners
Brutal Effigy

Keeping track from last post...

Brutal Effigy - Done!
2 Guild Hounds - Done!
2x Hunter - Done!
2x Watchers - Done!
Scales of Justice - Done!
Latigo Pistolero - Done!

Sidir - No progress
Performer - Delivered to the house today
Lawyer - No progress
Zombie Chihuahua - Delivered to the house today, since I lost my plastic one :(
"Proxy" Witchling Handler - No progress
Exorcist - No progress
Abuela - No progress
Enslaved Nephelim - No progress (added)

Peacekeeper - Not gonna happen.

8 to go!  2 weeks to paint left.

Also played two games against Ian, both losses.  Got curbstomped by the "Von Schill All-Stars" in Extraction and lost 10-4 or 5 to Dreamer in Headhunter.

I played
McM - 6 Cache
+On the Clock
+Plastic Surg
+Evidence Tampering
Brutal Effigy

Don't think the poison build is for me.  Too fragile.  Seb is fairly slow and if he dies, it is really only McM who can deal the damage.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Templecon Preperations

I'm breaking this down into two parts.  The first, what I need to do gaming-wise to not my butt stomped at the Gaining Grounds tournament.  The second, once I have a good idea of what I'll be running I'll need to paint it up.

My first task is to learn how to use Perdita.  I started my Malifaux journey with Sonnia, and picked up the Latigo Posse box mostly for Frank.  Having a ranged killy master already I wanted to branch out into other playstyles before I learned how to play another master of the same type.  So I ventured down the LadyJ path, and then into McMourning.

Having played Sonnia she's more than just a straight damage dealer.  I find her strength to be in placing Witchlings where the opponent doesn't want them.  I'm trying to come at her from more of a control/support master side now that I'm not just trying to cast Flameburst 15 times a game.  She is my go-to Recon master.

I found that Sonnia has plenty of damage output, but I think Perdita can do the targeted model removal even better.  I also like her Neverborn matchup as I think there are going to be a lot of Dreamers running around.

My core crew will be something like:
Guild Crew - 50 - Scrap

Perdita Ortega -- 7 Pool
 +Aura Ancestral [1]
 +Trick Shooting [2]

Enslaved Nephilim [3]
Abuela Ortega [7] / Papa Loco?
Francisco Ortega [8]
 +Wade In [1]
Nino Ortega [7]
Santiago Ortega [7]

Plus another 10-12 stones of models depending on schemes.

I'd also like to get some more McMourning games in.  I've been playing the Guild Henchman list with him which looks like

Dr. Douglas McMourning -- 7 Pool
 +On the Clock [1]
 +Plant Evidence [1]
 +Plastic Surgery [1]

Brutal Effigy [4]
Francisco Ortega [8]
 +Wade In [1]
Nurse [5]
Sidir Alchibal [9]
 +Promises [1]
The Judge [9]
 +Unrelenting Leader [2]
Witchling Stalker [5]

I want to explore some of his poison based shenanigans.

Dr. Douglas McMourning -- 7 Pool
 +On the Clock [1]
 +Plant Evidence [1]
 +Plastic Surgery [1]

Zombie Chihuahua [2]
Guild Lawyer [6]
Performer [6]
Sebastian [7]
 +Unknowable Pain [1]
The Judge [9]

Plus another 16 stones of models.

Knowing me I'll probably abandon the Perdita plan altogether and play exclusively McMourning, but it is a start.

I'd like to go into Templecon with at least 2 masters solid.  Right now I feel good about McM and probably LadyJ.  Probably need another Sonnia game to get comfortable with her again.  I'd like to try her with Papa Loco, as that + on Damage flips is crazy.

This leaves my painting list:

Painting: Every Master

Brutal Effigy - Good with any Guild Master who wants to deal damage.
2 Guild Hounds - Scheme runners, I liked them in the Stake a Claim game I used them.
2x Hunter - Recon games
2x Watchers - I still haven't figured out how to do Stake a Claim with Guild.  Maybe they are the solution?
Peacekeeper? - I'm kind of missing a big, tough beater.  Executioners don't have the staying power for a Turf War.

McMourning Painting:
Sidir - Promises, baby!
Performer - "Lures" and poison shenanigans.
Lawyer - My executioners have died before doing anything in every game I've played.  Dropping a Hard to Wound on them sounds amazing.
Zombie Chihuahua - For a 2 stone model he seems to have some utility.  Might be worth a go.

Sonnia Painting
"Proxy" Witchling Handler - metal Sonnia conversion.  Conversion is done.  I think she will add a lot to my Sonnia crews and make the Witchlings even more dangerous.

LJ Painting
Scales of Justice - Never thought this model was any good, but as I've played LJ I seem to burn through my hand quite quickly.  3 Stones to draw 2 cards on his go might do the trick, and the Wp buff is nice too.
Exorcist? - Liked him in my LJ crew as more ranged support with the Marshal.

Perdita Painting
1 Latigo Pistolero - Typical minion for a Dita list.
Abuela - Shotgun looks very good.

So that's where I'm at.  I have about 3 weeks to get this all done, with 17 models to paint.