Friday, November 14, 2014

Malifaux Terrain Update - Wild West 95% Done

Hi everyone,

Here's a project I've been working on for about 6 months now.  Finally got my mat painted up, so it is ready to show off!

I'd like to add some signs, posters, and window dressings to the buildings.  Otherwise, I'm done!

Very happy with how it came out.

Buildings are based out of 2x4s cut to sizes.  I glued Balsa Wood planks to the sides to make the walls, doors, ladders, and windows.  They are not enterable, but there is at least one ladder on each building to maximize the play area.

Rocks are made from Pine Bark nuggets.

All other wooden structures are made of Balsa wood as well.

Cacti are from the Pegasus Hobbies cactus set.

Mat is a canvas drop cloth covered in silicone caulking, and a plastic bag was used to texture the caulk.

I strived for the recommended 33% terrain coverage.  Out of that 33%, a third is severe only, a third is cover granting / "forest", and a third is true Line of Sight blocking cover.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Infinity Nomads

Still posting pics from the camera downtime.

I need to blackline a few of these models, but the main colors are done.  Have to wait for a sans-coffee day.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

11/11/14 - Tuesday Infinity Night at Battleground Games

Been running some demos lately on Tuesdays for Infinity.  Tonight was the last mission of Icestorm, so we moved up to a full size table.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Camera is Fixed! Guild Malifaux post

Camera has been fixed! Woohoo!

During the downtime, I have been a busy boy, though.